Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Act VII- Slept through it

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

Does Confucius say anything about 'no matter how fast you go'? Still super busy and tired all the time. I am going and going and going. The only time I spend at home, I end up crashing on the couch with an alarm set to grab 20 minutes of sleep before rushing off somewhere else. Last night was the first time I've had to spend with friends in forever!

The gals (Amanda and Tamey) and I got together and watched The Sex in the City Movie!!! I never watched the series but the movie was the best! I laughed and wanted to cry!

Well, that's about all my continually exhausted mind can do right now. I have homework...of course!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Act VI

All my possessions for a moment of time.
Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603)

You said it girlfriend! Today I am going to talk about how busy I am. Which is funny to me as I sit here typing a blog that should not be at the top of my list right now. I should be sleeping. Today I ran and ran and ran! I left the house at 7:30am-ish and didn't really sit down until's 10:00pm. It's go here, do this, rush here, do that. Isn't there more than this to life. I wish so badly that I could live in some fantastic land where time went slow and life slowed down to at least a brisk jog. I'm going to be 7o before I realize it. I guess it's my fault because I tend to put too much on my plate but right now it's all things I have to do. I have to work during the day, I have my commitment to LHS in the afternoons and Wayland at night. I so look forward to the day that I can come home from work and just be home and not have ten zillion things running through my head or something to add to my calendar.

Tonight the "tree killer" (see Act I or II) passed out 10 packets for "extra reading to supplement the text". Now, it would not be bad if these were 1-2 page handouts....not it's the 'tree killer' remember. One packet is over 78 pages, another 50. Can I hire someone to read it all for me? I'm taking bids. (click here to place your bid) haha

Well, I need to take a cue from myself and get some sleep so I'm not so tired tomorrow. Today I was so tired and running around that I forgot to eat! ME FORGOT TO EAT!! I know.

The next time you are snuggled up with a good book you are reading FOR FUN...what's that? Think of me.

Peace, Love and Pickle Juice


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Act V

Politics is applesauce.

Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

I need to rant for a minute! Have a diatribe moment, as Adam would say. (And he wonders why we call him Google Boy!)

I am very disappointed in my local news stations. Every evening before the 10:00 news came on last week, which I record religiously, I saw John McCain's face....EVERY NIGHT!! What happen to equal media coverage? If I wanted to hear Obama speak at his convention, I had to search through all the CNN's to find it. This is not fair! I know that Texas is a Republican state and I used to be proud of that but I am not anymore. I don't think it's fair that our local TV stations have made the decision that the most accessible candidate is going to be McCain. I don't think I have to say who I want to be president and I'm trying to be neutral on this point of equal coverage. What about those people in the viewing area that do not have cable...? All they hear is the Republican side of the issue because it's on every night. I know that I am the minority on this issue and many people don't even care but it's more about being conservative or liberal it's about being fair to all candidates. Stepping down from soap box....

Did you guys hear that the "In a world..." guy at the beginning of all blockbuster films died? That's sad. I can't tell you what the guy looks like but his voice has become a part of movie culture. What will it be like when the next guys says "In a world....." Will they keep with the low and ominous voice or will they pick someone with an annoying voice? Something to think about...

I tried but now it's back to bitching...sorry folks. Yesterday, I spent the day with my mom, sister and nephew. It was great until.....dinner time. My mom has this 'friend' who never goes away. He's an older man and creeps me out. I wish that for once I could go spend an evening with my mother without him just showing up. He pissed me off last night. He got something on his glass and made my mother get up to clean it off. Get off your lazy ass and do it yourself. and them my mom was spooning herself out some pasta and he said....since you are serving....get me some. No one will ever be able to replace my dad in my eyes but Jesus why this jerk? His wife passed away in the spring, let the dirt settle dude! I know I might piss off people by saying that but that's how I feel. My mom can do so much better! I hate that this is something that I will just have to deal with. I can't tell my mother who to share her time with but it sucks that it's him. I just wish for once I could go over to my mother's house and he didn't show up and if he does I wish there was a time that he left at a decent hour!! When I leave at 9:00 it's time for you to go home too jerk!!

Got to get ready to go to a family lunch where you know who will be....I'll try my best to be nice...


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Smoke Break

What a splendid head, yet no brain.
Aesop (620 BC - 560 BC)

Haha!! Love it!

Quick post. I'm super tired from working my first sub job today. I work the rest of the week and hope my body gets used to it soon!

Mary and Curt were here this weekend!!! It was wonderful and we had a great time! I'll sum it all up for ya later...too tired!

I played in my usual poker game with Amanda, Steve, Adam, Jeff and Tamey this sunday! I was not going to play but was talked into it and ..........TIED FOR 1ST PLACE!!! The guy I was going heads up with and I were tired and decided to split the pot!!! Poker Buds, first rounds on me!!! ORder something fancy!!!

More later....

Sleep like babies, J