Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Houston for the Holidays!!

Wow it's been since Thanksgiving! Sorry! I got really busy with work getting ready for the christmas break! Right now we are in Houston visiting Adam's family for the holiday! It's been great and I'm afraid will end too soon! Yesterday we tooled around downtown looking for the tunnel shopping area and could not find what everyone was talking about. It sucked....oh well we got some exercise. Today we braved the traffic and went to the Galleria Mall for a while. I walked my heals off! We had a wonderful dinner at PF Chang's! The best scallops ever! Tomorrow we are going to see a play called The SantaLand Diaries! Christmas day will be spent here at the house and then FRIDAY!!! I think ....we are going shopping again! I hope to hit up Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn!!!