Monday, November 2, 2009

Woah!!! So much has happened!!! But...who cares?!?

I forgot I had this thing!!! Oh well!

My last post was about student teaching and taking cert. tests...well....I'm now into my 4th month of teaching!!! I am working at a great middle school here in Lubbock!

Life is great and who knows if I will ever blog again. We shall see!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Long Time Gone

It's been a while ...again. I am almost halfway through my student teaching and have been so exhausted!

I can't believe I've spent most of the day in bed, but there is a Harry Potter marathon on tv!! I'm getting up in 30 minutes to shower and make a trip to wal-mart.

I took my first practice test of my state certification and....was about 3 questions short of an 80 which is required for wayland to submit my name to the state for testing. So, I'll be testing again the week after spring break!!

My second interview with FISD is next Thursday, as well as my second formal observation from my supervisor! It's going to be a busy day/week! Spring break starts in less than a week and I'm so ready for it! I go to Arlington for the NTCA Winterguard Championships on the 27th! Currently, based on scores, our girls are 2nd going into championships! We shall see how they do! I might also go back to Arlington with my mom and sisters sometime during spring break.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The longest week ever!

This is officially the longest week of my life! It's my first week student teaching and I have wanted to come home and crash everyday! Yesterday, I left FMS at 3:40 and by 4:30 I was knocked out asleep in my bed with my electric blanket turned up! Adam let me sleep until 8pm. At which time, I got up to have some dinner and went right back to sleep until 6am the next morning. Tonight, I made myself stay awake. I went to spend the afternoon with my grandma because the house was so freaking cold, I couldn't stand it anymore. For those who I don't talk to daily, our heater has been "out" for almost 2 weeks and it's finally been too long and I lost it today. The repair man is coming tomorrow and I hope I still have my arms and legs when he leaves. We think the blower motor is much does that cost?? (as you can assume, money is very tight because I am currently not making

Student Teaching is going great! I started grading some papers and general paperwork yesterday. I am just glad to be doing something and not sitting doing nothing like Monday. My mom said the human resources guy at FISD told her to tell me to call him and set up an appointment for an interview!! I am very excited about that and hope to have good news to put on here soon! I've been holding back applying because technically I have not taken any of my cert. tests or graduated yet and I don't know how it's suppose to go. Wish me luck and I'll let those who read this know how it goes.

Going to take a shower in a super cold bathroom...and try to go to sleep while freezing....c'ya!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Beginning of the End is near

As I get closer to student teaching, I am getting nervous!! I hope that everything goes well and that I have the time of my life. I am matched with two very well respected and great teachers! (I had one of them back in the day when I was in 7th grade!)

I have had the flu since Monday and think tomorrow will be the day I finally feel better. Adam started feeling bad Tuesday night and stayed home Wednesday and Thursday. We are high fever running, power-aid chuggin, theraflu shootin, whinny babies! A friend said today that anyone coming to visit should wear a hazmat suit! I agree! I have so much to do before I start student teaching and taking those cert. tests. The light at the end of this long tunnel is quarter-sized now and seems like reality. I need to get together some great outfits, buy the books, get myself a cute tote to wag back and forth and get sleep and rest!

I plan on writing about my experience weekly.

Gotta go....not feeling so well.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am loved!!

Update...I found out today that I will be student teaching at Frenship Middle School! It's been a long time coming and I'm just happy that I will not be a professional student much longer!! More updates to come!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Student Teaching Update

BTW.....I am suppose to start student teaching on Feb. 9th! of the latest list, I still do not have a cooperating school.....I feel unloved! I'm getting worried and I just don't understand why this is happening. All I know is that the people who are suppose to be taking care of this are not....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Houston for the Holidays!!

Wow it's been since Thanksgiving! Sorry! I got really busy with work getting ready for the christmas break! Right now we are in Houston visiting Adam's family for the holiday! It's been great and I'm afraid will end too soon! Yesterday we tooled around downtown looking for the tunnel shopping area and could not find what everyone was talking about. It sucked....oh well we got some exercise. Today we braved the traffic and went to the Galleria Mall for a while. I walked my heals off! We had a wonderful dinner at PF Chang's! The best scallops ever! Tomorrow we are going to see a play called The SantaLand Diaries! Christmas day will be spent here at the house and then FRIDAY!!! I think ....we are going shopping again! I hope to hit up Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn!!!